Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project Management White Paper Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Management White Paper Report - Essay Example Application of project management tools, techniques and skills will generally increase the probability of success over a wide range of projects. The Project Management Institute (PMI) has produced a guidebook to project management which contains recognized best practices standard for project management. It is incumbent upon the urban planners to apply the practices in a way befitting urban planning and development projects. 1.2 Urban Planning Project Characteristics Urban planning projects can generally be characterized as complex, interdependent projects which are mostly dependent on public needs and urban policies. Rapid transformations in the urban environment through new developments, population increases, improvement in technology and concern for environmental conservation make urban planning projects highly reliant on high quality project managers. ... The white paper anticipates that application of these project management principles will ensure that urban planning projects are acceptable to the beneficiaries of the projects, mainly urban developers and dwellers. This paper will briefly highlight the most critical principles and procedures of project management that are applicable in urban planning while providing examples of tools and guidelines that are already being used in urban planning project management. Basically, a structured approach to the execution of urban planning projects produces results that are beneficial to both the planners and beneficiaries of the project. 3. DISCUSSION 3.1 Technology Readiness in Urban Planning Technological development is now advanced in all fields including urban planning where various kinds of new technology are available for use in various areas. It is quite useful to apply structured evaluation of technology readiness in urban planning project execution. A Technology Readiness Scale (TRL ) can be applied in the assessment and communication of technology readiness in urban planning. This is a simple scale that is graded to measure the technology ranging from its lowest level of readiness (First application after development) and its highest level where application of the technology has been proven through successful implementation and operation. It is through technology readiness measurement that project teams can identify critical technology to assist in the accomplishment of urban planning project goals. 3.2 Progressive Scope Urban Planning projects can generally be characterized by two main phases where development plans are prepared through research and development of architectural, and implementation which largely consists of demolitions and construction. The key

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